Not much to report here...
I had a check-up last Tuesday that was fairly uneventful. We listened to the heartbeat again. My Dr. says it's on the "slower" end of baby heartbeats - and according to my mom that means a girl...yet, with the way I have popped all out in front she is leaning toward a boy...we shall see! Either way, I'm feeling huge and look way too big for 16 weeks...big baby?? Oh dear!
I have a 19 week checkup at the end of May. At this appointment I get to schedule the big ultrasound during which we will hopefully find out what we are having (as well as check all the major organs) .
Hip Hip Hooray! - I haven't thrown up since last Wednesday morning and I don't miss it one bit!
Glad you're keeping your food down. You hear all kinds of stories about the babies' sex according to morning sickness, the way you're carrying, the "glow" or no "glow", the heart rate, etc. As mom on the 5th baby, which I know your mom would agree, they're all so different. I thought for sure this one was a girl because I am carrying higher but they say it's a boy. You do look further along than 16 weeks but you look fine and as thin as ever :). It's just the way you carry and I carry the same way...OUT FRONT.