Tuesday, October 22, 2009
6:50am - left for the hospital
7:00am - Got into hospital gown, Dr. Jill came in and broke my water. A VERY painful process because Reaghan's head was so low (and has been for 2 weeks - station -1), but the cervix only about 1.5cm, high and posterior, 80% effaced as I had been for weeks as well. After this I was instructed to walk and see if my body would progress on it's own.
12:00pm - Dr. came back to check me and nothing had changed. We had lunch (Reece got a hamburger, I got chicken broth and jello). We walked some more.
1:00pm - Started on Pitocin. Stuck in my room. Moved between the bed, rocking chair, and exercise ball. Nothing was happening very quickly. Contractions slowly became more regular but were only semi-intense about every other one. I had decided that I wouldn't be disappointed if she didn't come until Friday - after all, this whole inducing thing was taking much longer than I expected it to.
Then all of the sudden...
6:30pm - the pain was instantly ridiculous. I remember telling Reece that Reaghan would be an only child. The nurse checked me and I was only at 2cm and 90% effaced. Frustrating to say the least. I decided I had felt enough of labor and wanted an epidural. Julie and Reece were wonderful coaches and somehow managed to make sure I didn't stop breathing.
7:30pm - Epidural in place (seemed to take forever)...still a little pain
8:00pm - pain gone, happy Katie once more :)

8:15 - Dr. came back to check me. About 3-4cm, 100% effaced, Reaghan's head at station 0
9:30-10:00pm - took a nap...felt like hours, I was exhausted.
10:35 - nurse, Charlotte, came in to check me. She said I was a stretchy 8cm and head at +2
11:00 - nurse checked me again - 10 cm, time to start pushing. She gave me "instructions" on pushing.
11:12 - started pushing. After a few pushes Dr. Jill was called in.
11:39 - Delivered Baby Reaghan! Everyone was shocked with how quickly I got her out - I was determined to have her before midnight. I remember looking at the clock in between the contractions/pushing and telling myself to work harder because I was running out of time :P

Reaghan has now been here for almost 24 hours. I couldn't imagine life without her. She is such a sweet, precious, gift from God. Reece and I are amazed at this wonderful miracle!

There are a BUNCH more pics, but I have to wait to get them from Julie :)
6:50am - left for the hospital
7:00am - Got into hospital gown, Dr. Jill came in and broke my water. A VERY painful process because Reaghan's head was so low (and has been for 2 weeks - station -1), but the cervix only about 1.5cm, high and posterior, 80% effaced as I had been for weeks as well. After this I was instructed to walk and see if my body would progress on it's own.
12:00pm - Dr. came back to check me and nothing had changed. We had lunch (Reece got a hamburger, I got chicken broth and jello). We walked some more.
1:00pm - Started on Pitocin. Stuck in my room. Moved between the bed, rocking chair, and exercise ball. Nothing was happening very quickly. Contractions slowly became more regular but were only semi-intense about every other one. I had decided that I wouldn't be disappointed if she didn't come until Friday - after all, this whole inducing thing was taking much longer than I expected it to.
Then all of the sudden...
6:30pm - the pain was instantly ridiculous. I remember telling Reece that Reaghan would be an only child. The nurse checked me and I was only at 2cm and 90% effaced. Frustrating to say the least. I decided I had felt enough of labor and wanted an epidural. Julie and Reece were wonderful coaches and somehow managed to make sure I didn't stop breathing.
7:30pm - Epidural in place (seemed to take forever)...still a little pain
8:00pm - pain gone, happy Katie once more :)

8:15 - Dr. came back to check me. About 3-4cm, 100% effaced, Reaghan's head at station 0
9:30-10:00pm - took a nap...felt like hours, I was exhausted.
10:35 - nurse, Charlotte, came in to check me. She said I was a stretchy 8cm and head at +2
11:00 - nurse checked me again - 10 cm, time to start pushing. She gave me "instructions" on pushing.
11:12 - started pushing. After a few pushes Dr. Jill was called in.
11:39 - Delivered Baby Reaghan! Everyone was shocked with how quickly I got her out - I was determined to have her before midnight. I remember looking at the clock in between the contractions/pushing and telling myself to work harder because I was running out of time :P

Reaghan has now been here for almost 24 hours. I couldn't imagine life without her. She is such a sweet, precious, gift from God. Reece and I are amazed at this wonderful miracle!

There are a BUNCH more pics, but I have to wait to get them from Julie :)
I laughed out loud when I read your story...because I recalled just a few weeks ago asking you if you were going to get an epidural and you were not sure. The part where you said the pain was instantly rediculous was all too familiar as a fellow petocin receiver and your phrasing was the part that got me laughing. I wonder what the statistics are for people that go into labor on their own verses being induced that get an epidural. After having Jack and experiencing 30 minutes of the really awful labor pains and the really wonderful epidural I am always amazed by those that don't get one. Sounds like your birth story wasn't too bad! BTW, the 1st 2 nights after having my kids I woke up soaked in sweat, but I wasn't hot. I think it was my body getting rid of IV fluids and I heard that it can be from having an epidural..not sure why. I was never hot, just woke up like i ran a marathon. Just a heads up...if you didn't already experience it.
ReplyDeleteSounds almost exactly like my birth story with Johnny except that my water broke on its own. I was determined to go natural until the pitocin kicked in with all its fury and I felt like my body was going to explode. I had to wait a very long time for the epidural though because they were extremely busy. I have since then learned to ask for it loooooong before I "need" it. Glad it all went well and I certainly hope Reaghan isn't an only child :) She's too cute to not have a sibling!