On Sunday evening we took a trip down to Redding and had what we call "going on a date". Silly married people find joy in the strangest things. We both love walking all the isles at Costco for some reason, so we did...and took extra time knowing it would be our last "alone" trip there for a while! We had dinner, went to Target to pick up a few baby items we needed, and then stopped at WinCo to stock up on a few food items that couldn't be obtained at Costco. While driving around Redding that evening we enjoyed a spectacular display of lightening and thunder, and just as we were about to leave WinCo, a torrent of rain began. Reeree ran to get the car and by the time he had loaded the groceries was completely soaked. We laughed as we drove an hour home and the poor guy was drenched. He was such a sweetie to not blast the heater as I have been suffocating at temperatures above 65 lately.
Last night we drove to Yreka to visit WalMart...the official "last" shopping trip as a couple. We picked up a few items we needed for the house, went home and ate Reaghan's "Birthday Cake" that I made earlier in the day :P (any excuse for chocolate cake, right?!)
I had one of the best night's sleep I've had in about a month - only woke up twice with bad contractions, and each time was able to go back to sleep within about 15 minutes. Reece went to work and I fell back to sleep again until 9:30 - the last "sleep in" for a while...
Today, we eagerly look forward to the very near future of no longer being just a "couple". Tomorrow, October 22, 2009, beginning at 7am I am to be induced and (Lord willing), our baby girl will be born that day! We will soon be a family of three...and, our lives will be filled with a bunch of FIRSTS!
For your giggles...Here is my 39 week belly shot :P I kept telling Reece I was feeling like Humpty Dumpty in m

OOh I love the idea of a 'birthday cake' for Reaghan! And a chocolate one too...yummy! Can't tell you how it blesses this mothers heart to see how your love & marriage have grown ...to even enjoy the wonders of shopping at Costco ;) Looking forward to the days ahead..love to all
ReplyDeleteI woke up thinking about you today. I'm so excited for you to meet your baby girl. It's the neatest moment I can remember for me and Josh...even better than our wedding day!
ReplyDeleteCostco would be a top 10 date for me too. I love it! We take the kids and it's still fun...but sometimes our browsing gets cut short if someone gets grumpy.
We'll be waiting to hear the good news!