Tuesday, December 15, 2009
Monday, December 14, 2009
Blogging - low on the "To-Do" list
So, it's become apparent to me that I am not good at keeping this thing up! Sorry to those of you (if there are any of you) who check it frequently, only to be disappointed that another week as gone by without a post. The life of a new mommy is a busy one - but an absolutely fabulous one! I have, over the past few weeks, managed to get a pretty solid daily rhythm...and somehow, come January 4th, I get to figure out how to get everything done in much less time and on much less sleep as I have to return to work and finish out the school year with my eighth graders. (I fear I will become a lazy teacher as I will want to spend every minute I have at home with Reaghan! I've been trying to get a head start on lesson plans during naptimes to make things a little easier.)
Reaghan is now 7.5 weeks old - full of smiles and simply a delight. She has been sleeping through the night since about 4 weeks old (from 10pm to between 6 and 8am), and is only "grumpy" when hungry or super tired. Her favorite things to look at are the Christmas tree (when lit), the ceiling fan (at all times of day), the teddy bear mobile that hangs over her swing, the baby einstein floor gym, and out any window she is near.
As of her 6.5 week appointment, she weighed 10lbs 13oz and was 22.5 inches long.
Friday, November 20, 2009
All Smiles :)
After several days of "grumpy baby", Reaghan seems to have returned to her normal, cheerful self - for which I am glad! From Monday to Thursday she was averaging sleep time of 5 hours at night - which is great, but only 26-60 minute naps during the day - definitely not so great. Today, however, she seems to be back on "routine" - she slept just over 8 hours last night and has been right on schedule with the eating, 'wake time', and sleeping. She is a much happier baby when things go according to 'plan'.
Ok, so perhaps I'm a tad bit obsessive as she is only 4 weeks old.
Here's what my princess looks like when she doesn't sleep well...
And here she is on a happy day - like today...

See the difference? I definitely do!
...must be the bow.
Ok, so perhaps I'm a tad bit obsessive as she is only 4 weeks old.
Here's what my princess looks like when she doesn't sleep well...

See the difference? I definitely do!
...must be the bow.
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
Friday, November 13, 2009
Sweet Little Lady-bug
Three Weeks - and getting bigger every day!

Time goes by too quickly...much too quickly. Even during those days when sweet Reaghan doesn't want to take a nap, or seems to cry non-stop, I don't want it to end. I want her to stay small and snuggly forever. I guess that's why I can't stop taking pictures of her - I want to remember what she looks like, feels like, smells like, and sounds like for she'll never be this small again.

Sunday, November 1, 2009
Progress on the house...
Prior to moving in, Reece's mom and brother came up and helped clean the floors and scrub the bathrooms and kitchen cabinets so they were ready for us to use.
They, along with Tom and Mary Alice (friends here in Mt. Shasta) helped us get everything moved out of our rental in a day and a half - a HUGE feat considering nothing was really packed except for baby stuff and a few kitchen items. (We kept holding off not knowing the results of the mold tests)
My parents came up to meet baby Reaghan this past Wednesday evening and stayed with us until Sunday. We are truly thankful for the visit, as they did so much more than just meet our daughter!
Here's what got accomplished...
* The stovetop was completely disassembled, scrubbed, and an attempt at repairing the one broken burner was made - sadly, it's still not fixed, but we think we know what the problem is. (I'm just thrilled with the fact that it's clean - inside and out!)
* The walpaper in the kitchen has been removed and we're ready to paint!
* The guest bathroom shower door was removed, leveled, and put back together. No longer does water leak all over the floor every time it's used.
* The walpaper in the living room is partially removed. These walls were never textured. The walpaper is as old as the house - 20 years. I believe it was glued on with super glue. Eventually, we'll get the rest off so that we can paint this room as well.
* The large maple tree in the front yard had its lower limbs removed, and Jeremy so kindly raked and moved all of the leaves to the burn pile in the back.
* Reece, Dad, and Jeremy went out with our friend Tom to cut more firewood to get us through the winter.
* Mom and I painted the name letters for Reaghan's room - they're adorable and ready to hang as soon as we get her walls painted.
* Dad did some electrical work and changed out all the weird switches around the house.
THANK YOU! - to EVERYONE who has been such a wonderful blessing to us.

Gi-Gi & Reaghan (>1 day old)

Uncle Drake & Reaghan

Uncle Jeremy & Reaghan (1 week old)

Nana & Reaghan

Poppa and Reaghan
They, along with Tom and Mary Alice (friends here in Mt. Shasta) helped us get everything moved out of our rental in a day and a half - a HUGE feat considering nothing was really packed except for baby stuff and a few kitchen items. (We kept holding off not knowing the results of the mold tests)
My parents came up to meet baby Reaghan this past Wednesday evening and stayed with us until Sunday. We are truly thankful for the visit, as they did so much more than just meet our daughter!
Here's what got accomplished...
* The stovetop was completely disassembled, scrubbed, and an attempt at repairing the one broken burner was made - sadly, it's still not fixed, but we think we know what the problem is. (I'm just thrilled with the fact that it's clean - inside and out!)
* The walpaper in the kitchen has been removed and we're ready to paint!
* The guest bathroom shower door was removed, leveled, and put back together. No longer does water leak all over the floor every time it's used.
* The walpaper in the living room is partially removed. These walls were never textured. The walpaper is as old as the house - 20 years. I believe it was glued on with super glue. Eventually, we'll get the rest off so that we can paint this room as well.
* The large maple tree in the front yard had its lower limbs removed, and Jeremy so kindly raked and moved all of the leaves to the burn pile in the back.
* Reece, Dad, and Jeremy went out with our friend Tom to cut more firewood to get us through the winter.
* Mom and I painted the name letters for Reaghan's room - they're adorable and ready to hang as soon as we get her walls painted.
* Dad did some electrical work and changed out all the weird switches around the house.
THANK YOU! - to EVERYONE who has been such a wonderful blessing to us.

Gi-Gi & Reaghan (>1 day old)

Uncle Drake & Reaghan

Uncle Jeremy & Reaghan (1 week old)

Nana & Reaghan

Poppa and Reaghan
Monday, October 26, 2009
Friday, October 23, 2009
The Birthing Story
Tuesday, October 22, 2009
6:50am - left for the hospital
7:00am - Got into hospital gown, Dr. Jill came in and broke my water. A VERY painful process because Reaghan's head was so low (and has been for 2 weeks - station -1), but the cervix only about 1.5cm, high and posterior, 80% effaced as I had been for weeks as well. After this I was instructed to walk and see if my body would progress on it's own.
12:00pm - Dr. came back to check me and nothing had changed. We had lunch (Reece got a hamburger, I got chicken broth and jello). We walked some more.
1:00pm - Started on Pitocin. Stuck in my room. Moved between the bed, rocking chair, and exercise ball. Nothing was happening very quickly. Contractions slowly became more regular but were only semi-intense about every other one. I had decided that I wouldn't be disappointed if she didn't come until Friday - after all, this whole inducing thing was taking much longer than I expected it to.
Then all of the sudden...
6:30pm - the pain was instantly ridiculous. I remember telling Reece that Reaghan would be an only child. The nurse checked me and I was only at 2cm and 90% effaced. Frustrating to say the least. I decided I had felt enough of labor and wanted an epidural. Julie and Reece were wonderful coaches and somehow managed to make sure I didn't stop breathing.
7:30pm - Epidural in place (seemed to take forever)...still a little pain
8:00pm - pain gone, happy Katie once more :)

8:15 - Dr. came back to check me. About 3-4cm, 100% effaced, Reaghan's head at station 0
9:30-10:00pm - took a nap...felt like hours, I was exhausted.
10:35 - nurse, Charlotte, came in to check me. She said I was a stretchy 8cm and head at +2
11:00 - nurse checked me again - 10 cm, time to start pushing. She gave me "instructions" on pushing.
11:12 - started pushing. After a few pushes Dr. Jill was called in.
11:39 - Delivered Baby Reaghan! Everyone was shocked with how quickly I got her out - I was determined to have her before midnight. I remember looking at the clock in between the contractions/pushing and telling myself to work harder because I was running out of time :P

Reaghan has now been here for almost 24 hours. I couldn't imagine life without her. She is such a sweet, precious, gift from God. Reece and I are amazed at this wonderful miracle!

There are a BUNCH more pics, but I have to wait to get them from Julie :)
6:50am - left for the hospital
7:00am - Got into hospital gown, Dr. Jill came in and broke my water. A VERY painful process because Reaghan's head was so low (and has been for 2 weeks - station -1), but the cervix only about 1.5cm, high and posterior, 80% effaced as I had been for weeks as well. After this I was instructed to walk and see if my body would progress on it's own.
12:00pm - Dr. came back to check me and nothing had changed. We had lunch (Reece got a hamburger, I got chicken broth and jello). We walked some more.
1:00pm - Started on Pitocin. Stuck in my room. Moved between the bed, rocking chair, and exercise ball. Nothing was happening very quickly. Contractions slowly became more regular but were only semi-intense about every other one. I had decided that I wouldn't be disappointed if she didn't come until Friday - after all, this whole inducing thing was taking much longer than I expected it to.
Then all of the sudden...
6:30pm - the pain was instantly ridiculous. I remember telling Reece that Reaghan would be an only child. The nurse checked me and I was only at 2cm and 90% effaced. Frustrating to say the least. I decided I had felt enough of labor and wanted an epidural. Julie and Reece were wonderful coaches and somehow managed to make sure I didn't stop breathing.
7:30pm - Epidural in place (seemed to take forever)...still a little pain
8:00pm - pain gone, happy Katie once more :)

8:15 - Dr. came back to check me. About 3-4cm, 100% effaced, Reaghan's head at station 0
9:30-10:00pm - took a nap...felt like hours, I was exhausted.
10:35 - nurse, Charlotte, came in to check me. She said I was a stretchy 8cm and head at +2
11:00 - nurse checked me again - 10 cm, time to start pushing. She gave me "instructions" on pushing.
11:12 - started pushing. After a few pushes Dr. Jill was called in.
11:39 - Delivered Baby Reaghan! Everyone was shocked with how quickly I got her out - I was determined to have her before midnight. I remember looking at the clock in between the contractions/pushing and telling myself to work harder because I was running out of time :P

Reaghan has now been here for almost 24 hours. I couldn't imagine life without her. She is such a sweet, precious, gift from God. Reece and I are amazed at this wonderful miracle!

There are a BUNCH more pics, but I have to wait to get them from Julie :)
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
On being a "couple"...
My wonderful husband, Reece, and I were married just over 3 years ago - August 4, 2006. Over the past few days I have been reflecting on the wonderful times we have shared together over the years. I wouldn't change a single thing - for each joyful step, sorrowful stroll, and hard time that we have endured through God's mercies have strengthened the bond we share.
On Sunday evening we took a trip down to Redding and had what we call "going on a date". Silly married people find joy in the strangest things. We both love walking all the isles at Costco for some reason, so we did...and took extra time knowing it would be our last "alone" trip there for a while! We had dinner, went to Target to pick up a few baby items we needed, and then stopped at WinCo to stock up on a few food items that couldn't be obtained at Costco. While driving around Redding that evening we enjoyed a spectacular display of lightening and thunder, and just as we were about to leave WinCo, a torrent of rain began. Reeree ran to get the car and by the time he had loaded the groceries was completely soaked. We laughed as we drove an hour home and the poor guy was drenched. He was such a sweetie to not blast the heater as I have been suffocating at temperatures above 65 lately.
Last night we drove to Yreka to visit WalMart...the official "last" shopping trip as a couple. We picked up a few items we needed for the house, went home and ate Reaghan's "Birthday Cake" that I made earlier in the day :P (any excuse for chocolate cake, right?!)
I had one of the best night's sleep I've had in about a month - only woke up twice with bad contractions, and each time was able to go back to sleep within about 15 minutes. Reece went to work and I fell back to sleep again until 9:30 - the last "sleep in" for a while...
Today, we eagerly look forward to the very near future of no longer being just a "couple". Tomorrow, October 22, 2009, beginning at 7am I am to be induced and (Lord willing), our baby girl will be born that day! We will soon be a family of three...and, our lives will be filled with a bunch of FIRSTS!
For your giggles...Here is my 39 week belly shot :P I kept telling Reece I was feeling like Humpty Dumpty in m
y {borrowed} pj's....then decided it was more like Tweedle Dee...When Julie was up for the weekend she demanded that we take a picture to remember it.
On Sunday evening we took a trip down to Redding and had what we call "going on a date". Silly married people find joy in the strangest things. We both love walking all the isles at Costco for some reason, so we did...and took extra time knowing it would be our last "alone" trip there for a while! We had dinner, went to Target to pick up a few baby items we needed, and then stopped at WinCo to stock up on a few food items that couldn't be obtained at Costco. While driving around Redding that evening we enjoyed a spectacular display of lightening and thunder, and just as we were about to leave WinCo, a torrent of rain began. Reeree ran to get the car and by the time he had loaded the groceries was completely soaked. We laughed as we drove an hour home and the poor guy was drenched. He was such a sweetie to not blast the heater as I have been suffocating at temperatures above 65 lately.
Last night we drove to Yreka to visit WalMart...the official "last" shopping trip as a couple. We picked up a few items we needed for the house, went home and ate Reaghan's "Birthday Cake" that I made earlier in the day :P (any excuse for chocolate cake, right?!)
I had one of the best night's sleep I've had in about a month - only woke up twice with bad contractions, and each time was able to go back to sleep within about 15 minutes. Reece went to work and I fell back to sleep again until 9:30 - the last "sleep in" for a while...
Today, we eagerly look forward to the very near future of no longer being just a "couple". Tomorrow, October 22, 2009, beginning at 7am I am to be induced and (Lord willing), our baby girl will be born that day! We will soon be a family of three...and, our lives will be filled with a bunch of FIRSTS!
For your giggles...Here is my 39 week belly shot :P I kept telling Reece I was feeling like Humpty Dumpty in m

Thursday, October 15, 2009
39 weeks...
Last Friday I got word from my dr. that I was 80% effaced and 1/2 cm dilated. A week has since gone by, the contractions have not ceased, so I thought for sure that I was making good progress...sadly, no. Today I am still only at a 1/2 cm, 80% effaced - she's confident that whenever my body decides to start dilating, it should go pretty quick from there (that's good news!). I am scheduled to be induced next Thursday unless little Reaghan decides she wants to come out earlier - I'm voting for earlier. :P
Also in the Miller news is that we closed on the house (I think I posted about this already), moved on Saturday, cleaned and cleared out of the rental on Sunday evening, and are slowly but surely getting things unpacked and arranged. After finding the essentials in our room, Reaghan's room was unpacked so she has a place to sleep and clothes to wear whenever she does come. We're relieved that God worked it all out for us to get the move out of the way before her arrival as we can now focus on her.
I am hoping that my next post will be all about our precious baby girl!
Also in the Miller news is that we closed on the house (I think I posted about this already), moved on Saturday, cleaned and cleared out of the rental on Sunday evening, and are slowly but surely getting things unpacked and arranged. After finding the essentials in our room, Reaghan's room was unpacked so she has a place to sleep and clothes to wear whenever she does come. We're relieved that God worked it all out for us to get the move out of the way before her arrival as we can now focus on her.
I am hoping that my next post will be all about our precious baby girl!
Thursday, October 8, 2009
God is so good...

To our surprise, the mold clean-up, re-inspection, and duct cleaning were all finished ahead of schedule - all is good! - and we get the keys to our first house tomorrow! Reece is already jazzed about buying paint to get Reaghan's room ready...and I must say that I am a little excited to spread out and start decorating (after having a baby of course)! The most exciting thing is that our little dear, whenever she decides to come, will have a room of her own and does not have to "share" with the office. In addition, our master closet is large enough for Reece and I to share so he no longer has to store his clothing in a different room!

I originally planned on attempting to work at least until October 16th...perhaps tomorrow will be my last day so I can start "nesting"?? ;P
Tuesday, October 6, 2009
Thursday - September 24th
Contractions every 5 minutes for over an hour. Visited the hospital. Was monitored for 45 minutes. Checked after a while and nothing was happening - nurse couldn't find my cervix. Was sent home and told to rest.
Thursday - October 1st
Contractions haven't let up much, but they're tolerable. Still working. Dr. Visit after work. Cervix is closed but "very thin".
Monday - October 5th
Contractions very strong - every 4 minutes for over an hour - super painful. Took a shower and used all our hot water in 15 minutes...apparently the heat helped manage the pain. Called the dr. and it was recommended that I get checked. Went to L&D...put on the monitor for 20 minutes. Checked. Cervix high and hiding. Told to walk the halls for 2 hours. At 11pm was put back on the monitor for 30 minutes. Checked again. Cervix still closed, 80% effaced, baby's head at station -1. Given the option to stay in hospital overnight for monitoring or go home. Chose home. Got very little sleep. Encouraged to be active to keep things moving along.
Tuesday - October 6th
Took the day off work - contractions continued very regularly through the day, lots of pelvic pressure (TMI?) - guessing that her head is dropping more :)
Took a nice walk around the block, and then a trip to the grocery store with Reece.
Stronger contractions this evening, but not super reliable...I know I don't really have a choice, but I don't "plan" on carrying this little munchkin to term! :P If things keep progressing as they have been since 9/24, I will be too exhausted to push her out two weeks from now!
Back to work tomorrow...maybe.
Contractions every 5 minutes for over an hour. Visited the hospital. Was monitored for 45 minutes. Checked after a while and nothing was happening - nurse couldn't find my cervix. Was sent home and told to rest.
Thursday - October 1st
Contractions haven't let up much, but they're tolerable. Still working. Dr. Visit after work. Cervix is closed but "very thin".
Monday - October 5th
Contractions very strong - every 4 minutes for over an hour - super painful. Took a shower and used all our hot water in 15 minutes...apparently the heat helped manage the pain. Called the dr. and it was recommended that I get checked. Went to L&D...put on the monitor for 20 minutes. Checked. Cervix high and hiding. Told to walk the halls for 2 hours. At 11pm was put back on the monitor for 30 minutes. Checked again. Cervix still closed, 80% effaced, baby's head at station -1. Given the option to stay in hospital overnight for monitoring or go home. Chose home. Got very little sleep. Encouraged to be active to keep things moving along.
Tuesday - October 6th
Took the day off work - contractions continued very regularly through the day, lots of pelvic pressure (TMI?) - guessing that her head is dropping more :)
Took a nice walk around the block, and then a trip to the grocery store with Reece.
Stronger contractions this evening, but not super reliable...I know I don't really have a choice, but I don't "plan" on carrying this little munchkin to term! :P If things keep progressing as they have been since 9/24, I will be too exhausted to push her out two weeks from now!
Back to work tomorrow...maybe.
Sunday, September 20, 2009
Showers of Blessings
My wonderful friends in Mt. Shasta had a baby shower for us this past weekend. My mom, sister, and mother-in-law were able to make it up for the festivities. If we weren't ready for little Reaghan's arrival before, we sure are now!! Thank you, ladies, for spoiling us!

The food was DELICIOUS!

Ok, so this pic is not incredibly flattering, but my vain self has had to deal with the fact that my face, arms, fingers, legs, and feet are all pregnant right along with my belly. 36 weeks...

Little Reaghan will be a snug little bug this winter. So many talented ladies gave us beautiful handmade blankets!

Pictured below is our wonderful realtor - Brett - and her daughters (the oldest is in my homeroom class). I highly recommend her to anyone looking to purchase a home in Mt. Shasta :)
House update (most of our readers are aware that we are in the process of buying a house...if this is new news - surprise!)...originally we were shocked because upon the acceptance of our offer and meeting with our mortgage broker, it looked like we were going to be able to close escrow in 15 days - which would have made our move-in date around last weekend...obviously, we're not moved in yet. After completing the initial home inspections, mold was discovered in the attic. We decided to hire a specialist to test the mold to determine if it was toxic or non. The results came back that it was toxic. From here, everything came to a halt. We were going back and forth with the sellers regarding who is going to pay to clean up the problem and are thankful that the sellers viewed it as "their" problem (the house has been sitting vacant for a little over 2 years). There will be a few "fix-up" things we have to do to prevent the problem in the future, but the clean up expense was going to be out of our means. The current status is that we've extended our rate lock and are waiting for the clean-up work to be finished, the house to be re-tested, and if all is clear, then we'll close and move in. We're praying this is all complete within the next 7 days, but are also relying on God for wisdom should the tests come back negative. At this point, I am not really involved in what's been going on - teaching and being pregnant are enough to keep me busy, while Reece, on the other hand, has been running all over the place taking care of what needs to be done with the house while still trying to get 40 hours a week in at work! Thanks for your prayers for us in this regard.

The food was DELICIOUS!

Ok, so this pic is not incredibly flattering, but my vain self has had to deal with the fact that my face, arms, fingers, legs, and feet are all pregnant right along with my belly. 36 weeks...

Little Reaghan will be a snug little bug this winter. So many talented ladies gave us beautiful handmade blankets!

Pictured below is our wonderful realtor - Brett - and her daughters (the oldest is in my homeroom class). I highly recommend her to anyone looking to purchase a home in Mt. Shasta :)
House update (most of our readers are aware that we are in the process of buying a house...if this is new news - surprise!)...originally we were shocked because upon the acceptance of our offer and meeting with our mortgage broker, it looked like we were going to be able to close escrow in 15 days - which would have made our move-in date around last weekend...obviously, we're not moved in yet. After completing the initial home inspections, mold was discovered in the attic. We decided to hire a specialist to test the mold to determine if it was toxic or non. The results came back that it was toxic. From here, everything came to a halt. We were going back and forth with the sellers regarding who is going to pay to clean up the problem and are thankful that the sellers viewed it as "their" problem (the house has been sitting vacant for a little over 2 years). There will be a few "fix-up" things we have to do to prevent the problem in the future, but the clean up expense was going to be out of our means. The current status is that we've extended our rate lock and are waiting for the clean-up work to be finished, the house to be re-tested, and if all is clear, then we'll close and move in. We're praying this is all complete within the next 7 days, but are also relying on God for wisdom should the tests come back negative. At this point, I am not really involved in what's been going on - teaching and being pregnant are enough to keep me busy, while Reece, on the other hand, has been running all over the place taking care of what needs to be done with the house while still trying to get 40 hours a week in at work! Thanks for your prayers for us in this regard.
Thursday, September 17, 2009
35 weeks and counting...
...counting down to the day when I will no longer have a lump under my ribs. I am truly amazed with how quickly sweet baby Reaghan has been filling up her limited amount of space inside of me lately. And with her growth, I grow more and more uncomfortable. I fear she's gonna be a hefty little one! :P
I had my 35 week appointment today and everything is going as it should. Baby's head is low where it should be and I'm not dilated at all. I've started experiencing "warm-up" contractions, but they're not painful, just a lot of pressure, so I'll keep working as long as I can.
On September 29th, my wonderful sister coordinated a beautiful baby shower for us. It was such a blessing! Here are a few fun pics from the day:

In addition to the shower, Julie managed to squeeze us in for a maternity photo shoot knowing I'd probably not make it down to the Bay Area again before little one's arrival!

I had my 35 week appointment today and everything is going as it should. Baby's head is low where it should be and I'm not dilated at all. I've started experiencing "warm-up" contractions, but they're not painful, just a lot of pressure, so I'll keep working as long as I can.
On September 29th, my wonderful sister coordinated a beautiful baby shower for us. It was such a blessing! Here are a few fun pics from the day:

In addition to the shower, Julie managed to squeeze us in for a maternity photo shoot knowing I'd probably not make it down to the Bay Area again before little one's arrival!

Sunday, September 6, 2009
34 weeks...

you know you're getting bigger when...
* the maternity shirts that once looked like tents barely fit over your belly - in fact, some have already been phased out because your belly peeks out of them
* you have to roll over from your back to your side and push up with your arms to get out of bed, or off the couch
* your husband has to help you tie your shoes - if they fit over your chubby feet - otherwise it's a long process of grunting and squeezing to get them on yourself
* flip flops have become the norm, no matter the weather or outfit - and people at your job just have to understand
* you have to trade out your wedding rings for a larger, fake band due to the sausages that are attached to your hand (once known as fingers)
* you have a wonderful friend who gives you a pedicure when she comes to visit
* you begin wondering how it could be possible for your stomach to stretch any more
* you have to sleep surrounded by pillows because letting your heavy belly sag is much too painful/uncomfortable
* the meals are becoming smaller and smaller because there is less and less room for them to fit - even though you're starving all the time
* you squat down to get something out of a lower cabinet and get stuck
* your ribs ache regularly due to the rapidly increasing size of your stomach
But through it all, you feel wonderful and treasure every minute of it, eagerly awaiting the day when you get to meet the cause of these temporary ailments!
I am in disbelief that we have only about 6 weeks to go!
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